Saturday, January 17, 2009

Lipstick Jungle

Today at Golds I saw a women working hot pink lipstick. She was pulling it off and I was amazed. I have always wanted to wear lipstick, but especially now more than ever since it is working its way back into the limelight.

So here are my problems:

1. I have dark hair with golden highlights and freckly pale skin. Will somebody please tell me what will work with that!
2. I have skinnyish lips and a small mouth. My bottom lip blends into my chin so I never know when to stop.
3. Do I use lip liner because of my lip to chin blending issues? Or is lip liner totally off limits?
2. Also when/if I do find the right color, introducing lipstick to your face takes a "breaking in" phase. I don't suggest anybody break anything in when they teach junior high kids. "Miss Edwards, what is wrong with your face?" "Miss Edwards you need to clean your mouth" (I've actually had a kid tell me that one).

Basically I need a lipstick intervention, at least I want to know that I gave it a fair chance. So I am taking any suggestions on color!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Right. I know nothing about lipstick.

I actually bought a lip-liner and lipstick/gloss combo from Chanel that was AWESOME... until I lost them at a football game.

I just went to the counter and asked them for suggestions (cause I figured they would really know at a fancy counter). My plan was to buy the fancy stuff once and then match it at Tar-jay. Except I lost it before that could happen...Whatev.

Good luck.

And, avoid red.