A couple of years ago I was meeting a group of friends at Wings n More. I pulled into the parking a bit early so I knew I would be the first there. Well I quickly noticed that another one of the guys was pulling into the parking lot at the same time. Call me a jerk, but I didn't really want to talk to him. I knew it would be an awkward conversation and I didn't want to go there. Thanks to my quick witted nature, I devised a plan. I decided to pick up my phone and pretend to talk on it. That way I would just smile and wave from my car...I could even pretend that I was annoyed that the "person" on the other end wouldn't stop talking. I thought I was golden. Until. The guy walks up to my car window and taps on the glass and says "I can hear your music from 10 feet away." Ahh! Rebecca! Stupid! Turn the music off before you fake fone. My cover was blown.
So I told this story to my bible study girls and we really got to talking. Apparently I am not the only fake foner. Some of the girls fake fone while walking in the mall, waiting for somebody, or to look when walking or driving.
So do you fake fone? If so, when and why????
5 years ago